HR 电话面试 面试内容分享


HR 电话面试 面试内容分享



基本问题大概面了25分钟: whats your motivation in launching this career?(大致就这个意思……), why banking (其实我把why banking的回答在前面说掉了。。。所以略)?, why HR? why going back to China? what do you expect from the job? what does it mean to you when you get in SCB? what does ur international experience give u?

competency-based Qs:

describe a piece of wok that requires great accuracy? 每当你介绍一个bg信息,她就会抛具体问题出来,追问的很详细,甚至连deadline是多久都问。。。

team mate has different opinion, how to cope with that? 还问你下次还会这么做么,期间你和有conflict的'这个人怎么manage relationship...

a sudden change happens, how do u adapt? 而且她觉得我第一个例子不是环境发生突变的情况,所以非要我换一个。。。想了大概20秒再给了一个新的example。。。

最后问我还有啥想补充,问我对她有啥问题么~然后就开始介绍下一步流程,说她们有high volume的applicants之类的~

总之聊得还不错,能不能过就是another story了~祝大家好运!

fingers crossed!