

Impacts of Cultural Differences on West-Eastern Business Negotiations


With the development of society,business cooperation between companies is dramatically increased. Impacts of cultural differences on West-Eastern business negotiations is also more and more important. Negotiators from different countries will bring different cultures to the negotiation table. Culture is one of the factors that have important impacts on negotiation. Culture forges values and religious belief that define one’s thinking and behavior. The negotiators from the two cultures experience failure often due to the cultural factors. Thus, to negotiate effectively, negotiators should have a good understanding of culture and cultural differences. More importantly, they should know how negotiation is affected by culture. In doing so, negotiators can predict the process and adjust strategies in order to reach a satisfactory agreement.
Therefore, the study in this thesis is of practical significance, and it is expected to be a little helpful to the Chinese negotiators.

Key Words: west-eastern culture; cultural differences; business negotiation; impacts

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