

On Cultural Connotation and Translation of Color Metaphor


The study of metaphor has a long history of more than 2000 years and metaphor has been a controversial topic. As a result, various views on the definition, nature, working mechanism, etc. of metaphor come into the research realm of metaphor. This thesis discusses the similarities and differences of the metaphorical meanings of color words in English and Chinese by means of comparison. There are three parts in this thesis. Part one provides a brief introduction to the main traditional theories and the contemporary cognitive theory of metaphor, and presents the research background and research motives of the current color metaphor study. Based on the analysis, part two probes closely into the similarity and dissimilarity of color metaphor in English and Chinese, and discusses possible reasons for the same and different color metaphors in English and Chinese from the perspective of cognition and culture. Through a comparative study of color metaphor in English and Chinese part three verifies the existence of similarity and dissimilarity translation of cross-culture metaphor due to the common cognitive basis and cultural variation.

Key Words: color; metaphor; cultural connotation; similarities; dissimilarities

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