



来源  This term gained popularity in British English as a salutation before drinking in the early 1900s, but is now commonly used as a sign-off on both sides of the pond.

这个词在20世纪初期作为祝酒词在英式英语中得到普及,但现在通常在英美英语中用作落款。 The word cheer entered English with the sense of "face," reflecting its Latin counterpart with the same meaning, cara.

单词“cheer”成为英语中的词汇时意思为“脸”,其在拉丁语中的同义词为“cara”。Eventually it took on a metaphorical sense of "mood or mental condition," as reflected in the face, then gave way to senses of "gladness" and "joy."

后来,该词出现了一种比喻性含义,即“情绪或心理状况(在脸部体现)”,随后又变为“愉快”和“欣喜”。Given the term's mirthful history, this valediction is particularly apropos if the subject matter of your correspondence is celebratory or congratulatory in nature.

由于该词历来有高兴的含义,因此这一落款尤其适用于通信主题的性质为庆贺时使用。 用法随和性质。用于朋友。如果你希望看起来平和一点,也可以用于同事,但有不太正式,显得不专业的风险。



As a sign-off, this simple expression of gratitude offers a range of interpretations, such as "thanks for your attention and time while reading this e-mail" or "thanks in advance for tending to the request that I outlined in this e-mail."

作为落款,这个简单的表达有很多的解释,如“感谢您阅读这封邮件所花的注意力和时间”或“提前感谢您受理我在本封邮件中概述的要求”。The earliest sense of the word thank, or panc as it appeared in Old English, was “thought.”单词“thank”或其古英语“panc”最早的.含义为“想法”。Some prefer to liven up this now-ubiquitous sign-off with an exclamation mark (thanks!) or by incorporating it into more effusive expressions such as thanks so much.

有些人喜欢在这个现在尤其普遍的落款后加上感叹号(thanks!)或者一些更加情绪化的表达如“thanks so much”(非常感谢),让其更加生动。


也有人会用Thank you。Thanks偏随和,而Thank You偏正式,常用于商务场合。当你给陌生人写信,尤其是请求协助,提出要求或者询问事项时,Thank You是收尾的好选择。



This succinct sign-off appears to be a shortening of a range of superlative expressions, including "all the best," "best wishes," and "my best," all of which are expressions of goodwill.

这个简洁的落款是一系列祝词的缩写,其中包括“all the best”(一切顺利)、“best wishes”(最美好的祝福)和“my best”(我最好的祝福),均表达善意。The word best shares an Old English root with the word boot, which meant "good" when it entered English. “Best”一词与“boot”的古英语词根相同,而“boot”成为英语词汇时意为“好”。Some consider best to be an abrupt and impersonal way to end a correspondence, but others enjoy its brevity and upbeat tone.

一些人认为“best”用于信件结尾有些生硬、缺乏人情味,但是其他人则喜欢其简洁上扬的语调。  用法



来源 Respectfully connotes a level of esteem for the recipient of the correspondence.


The base word, respect, comes from the Latin respectus, which translates literally to "action of looking back."

其词根“respect”来源于拉丁词“respectus”,从字面上翻译为“回望”。In less formal correspondences, pairing this term with yours in constructions such as yours respectfully can have the effect of personalizing and softening the formal tone that the word evokes on its own.

在没有那么正式的信件中,将此词与“yours”放在一起,如“yours respectfully”能产生私人化的效果,弱化该词本身的正式语气。 用法

Yours respectfully在较不正式的信件里使用,可以拉近与收信人之间的私人关系。 另外,在商业信函里,可根据对收信人的熟悉程度来使用相应的落款:


Dear Sir … Yours faithfully

Dear Madam … Yours faithfully

Dear Sir or Madam … Yours faithfully

当知道收信人的姓名时:Dear Mr Hanson … Yours sincerely

Dear Mrs Hanson … Yours sincerely

Dear Miss Hanson … Yours sincerely

Dear Ms Hanson … Yours sincerely

对整个部门写邮件时: Dear Sirs … Yours faithfully