
  猪流感 swine flu
  输入型病例 imported case
  疑似病例 suspected case
  确诊病例 confirmed case
  流感“二代”病例 domestic flu case
  重症病例 case of serious conditions
  居家隔离 home quarantine
  流感集中爆发 flu outbreak
  高发季节 high-occurrence season
  本土疫苗 homegrown vaccine
  后天免疫 acquired immunity
  敏感群体 sensitive groups
  不良反应 adverse reaction
  医疗改革 medical reform
  基本药物 essential medicine
  社区卫生站 grassroots clinics
  高利润药品 high-margin pharmacies
  疫苗接种 vaccine jab
  流感疫苗 flu vaccine
  感染病例数 flu caseload
  流感病毒株 flu strain
  抗病毒药物 anti-viral medications
  减轻流感症状 ease flu symptoms
  呼吸道疾病 respiratory disease
  潜伏期 incubation period
  人与人之间的传播/感染 human-to-human transmission/spread/infection
  抗病毒药物 antiviral drug
  出现发烧/发热症状 develop a fever
  预防措施 precautionary measures
  避免与……接触 avoid contacts with
  加强检测 step up surveillance
  流感恐慌 flu jitters
  制止病毒的扩散 stem the spread of the virus
