


1、you share rose get fun?怎么翻译



“兄台哪个学校毕业的?” “不才毕业于纽伊斯特学院。” “那是名校啊!“言重了。敢问阁下?” “布鲁弗莱在读中。” “哇!也是青年才俊前途无量!“我从旁边走过,目不斜视,切,不就是New East(新东方)和Blue Fly(蓝翔)吗? 有啥好嘚瑟的!

3、 忘了是哪里看到的了

are you kidding?你是凯丁吗?

no,i'm serious 不,我是希尔瑞斯。


dad, i'm hungry

hi, hungry, i'm dad

dad, i'm serious

no, you are hungry

you are joking !!!!

no i am dad

5、 这个有点小邪恶,但是如果你看懂了,你就会发现英文是那么美。

Man: i was going to make a joke about my penis, but it's too long

Woman: i was going to make a joke about my vagina, but you won't get it.

6、 下面这个更邪恶,但是堪称一代经典。

sperm: oh shit.

7、下面这个关于安吉丽娜朱莉的,人家切除了乳腺,那这个开玩笑貌似 有点。。。。

When asked how he felt about Angelina Jolie getting a double mastectomy,

Brad Pitt said; "I feel nothing."

8、 有什么事能让你同一时间即开心又悲伤吗?看这个例子

babe, tell me something that makes me happy and sad at the same time?

dicks bigger than all your friends.