
乔治梅森大学是一个富有创新精神、朝气蓬勃并在一系列的学科领域享有世界级声誉的新兴大学,在2016年US News美国综合大学排名135名。下面是小编为大家整理收集的关于乔治梅森大学本科SAT成绩要求的相关介绍,希望对大家有所帮助。



乔治梅森大学(George Mason University 简称GMU 或 Mason)正式成立于1972年,位于北弗吉尼亚州华盛顿特区附近的科技走廊中心地带。


 二. 英语能力要求English Proficiency Requirements

1. 对所有考生的要求Information for All International Applicants

All Mason students must have a full command of academic English to be successful in their studies. For this reason, Mason requires applicants to demonstrate English proficiency for admission consideration.


2. 考试和分数要求Examinations and Scores

The university will not accept English-proficiency examination scores that are more than two years old as verification of English language proficiency including SAT Critical Reading and ACT English scores. All scores must be sent directly to the Office of Admissions from the testing agency.


(1)SAT I Critical Reading

A score of 450 or higher. Undergraduate applicants only.



A score of 20 or higher. Undergraduate applicants only.



Undergraduate: 80 or higher, minimum of 18 in each subsection.

Graduate: 88 points, minimum of 20 points in each section



Undergraduate: 6.5 or higher on the academic exam, with a minimum of 6.0 in each subsection. Institutional code is NOT required.

Graduate: 6.5 total band score


 三考试要求说明Official scores from SAT or ACT.

International students may be considered for admission with no SAT or ACT test score via the score optional admission program. This program allows for highly qualified students to be evaluated with no SAT or ACT score.

International applicants to engineering or computer science majors within the Volgenau School of Engineering are required to submit SAT or ACT scores.

有些国际考生可能会考虑SAT/ACT考试免考政策,这些政策只是适用于能力非常强的学生(highly qualified students),所以普通考生还是需要参加这项考试的。
