



Congratulations on your graduation! Whishing you a future filled with success and joy of seeing your dreams come true.


Don't be disappointed on the journey of e are friends in the e your chance and value your our friendship be everlasting.人生路上何须惆怅,天涯海角总有知音。把握机会珍惜缘分,祝愿我们友谊长存。

Time does not water down the wine of friendship;distance does not separate our hands of ing you happiness forever!时间冲不淡友情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手,祝福你,永远永远!

I have three wishes:May our friendship warm our hearts!May joy be always with you and me!May we often meet each other!我有三愿:一愿友情温暖我们心田,二愿欢乐永驻你我心间,三愿我们常常相见!

Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and m e on the other end.思念是一条细长的线,一端系着你,一端系着我,时刻连接着两颗跳动不息的心。

Life is like a piano,what you get out of it,depends on how you play sweat, no sweet.


There is no end to e is no end to perfect character.


Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance.


Cease to struggle and you cease to live.


Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance


Congratulations on your graduation! Whishing you a future filled with success and joy of seeing your dreams come true.


Boys, be ambitious.


Man can survive, only when he has the substance, man can live only when he has ideal.


Goals determine what you are going to be.


Great hope makes great men.


An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding. Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.

Man who has a settled purpose will surely succeed.


Follow your own course, and let people talk.


Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us may write his word.

There is a limit to one's youth, but no limit to his wisdom. Draw on the limitless wisdom during the short span of youth.

Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control, these three alone lead life to sovereign power.


Character decided the fate ,and knowledge changes our's fate.

Wish you a bright future and a happy life!



I will cherish all tne memories of us together!


A friend is a gift, whose worth cannot be measured except by heart.


Think of me sometimes while Alps and ocean divide us, but they ever will, unless you wish it. (Byron)

长相思,天涯海角;情不断,山水难隔。 --拜伦

I am not an outstanding student of yours,but you are the most respectable teacher to me in my eyes. On this special day,I extend my heartfelt respects to you!我不是您最出色的.学生,而您却是我最尊敬的老师。在这特别的日子里,我要把一份崇高的敬意献给您!No formula can be used to calculate your devotion;no poems and songs to express our heartfelt gratitude to is you that cultivate our minds with your extensive

knowledge and your noble this special occasion,please accept our best wishes!加减乘除,算不出您作出的奉献!诗词歌赋颂不完对您的崇敬!您用知识的甘露,浇开我们理想的花朵,在这不寻常的时刻,请接受我深深的祝福!

Time is flying away,and years are passing our friendship is always in my well,my friend!Take care,my friend!流水匆匆,岁月匆匆,唯有友情永存心中。朋友,再见!朋友,珍重!

Oh,my friend,do you like stars?If you feel lonely far away from home,look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luck that I've send you.朋友,你喜欢星空吗?如果有一天你在远方流浪时感到孤独、忧郁,请抬头看看星空,那儿有我送给你的幸运星。Life is a profound r's notes cannot replace your own you find and create something new in it.生活是一本精深的书,别人的注释代替不了自己的理解。愿你有所发现,有所创造。

毕业祝福语 用英文表达祝福

1.Graduation is not only an end to a period, also a commencement of a new period and I hope that future years will bring you continued happiness.


2.Best wishes and congratulations on your graduation.


3.May you have health, happiness and outstanding success in all your ventures.愿你在不平凡的人生事业中健康、幸福、功绩卓著。

4.Best wishes and sincere congratulations on your graduation.May this special day be the commencement of the continued series of upward steps to further success.祝贺你毕业,并致以最美好的祝福。愿这一天成为你不断取得更大成就的新的开始。

5.It is your graduation day.Please accept my best wishes for your bright future.在你毕业之时,请接受我最美好的祝福,祝你前程似锦。

6.Permit me to congratulate you on your graduation! I hope the future will bring you further success and a whole world of happiness.


7.Congratulations on your graduation from the notable university with

honour.I'm hopeful and confident,too,that the graduation ceremonies will really be a commencement and that satisfying and rewarding experiences await you.祝贺你以优异的成绩从著名大学毕业!我真诚地期望并深信,毕业仪式只是你美好人生的开端,更令人满意、更加灿烂的前程将等待着你。

8.Here's to the happy graduate for the job you have already done.And here's a happy future that is a most successful one.I pray you will as soon as possible make your name known in the world.


9.I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.


10.The possibility of enhancing one's knowledge is limitless.Graduation only marks a stage of one's education.Unceasing acquisition of knowledge will unceasingly escalate us to ever higher and higher attainments.


11.I am very delighted to hear you have successfully passed the high school certificate examination.As one of your intimate friends, I feel very proud of you and have a smack of your happiness.


12.It is such a pleasure to congratulate you on your graduation.Whatever you dream for, whatever you hope to achieve may come true with your effort in the future. Remember that nothing is out of your reach if only you first believe.





g nothing is doing ill. 无所事事,必干坏事。

y to bed, early to rise, make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

睡得早,起得早,聪明、富裕、身体好 。

y vessels make the most noise. 满瓶子不响,半瓶子晃荡 。

y man hath his weak side. 人皆有弱点 。

ything ought to be beautiful in a human being: face, dress, soul and idea. 人的一切都应当是美丽的:容貌、衣着、心灵和思想。

emes are dangerous. 凡事走向极端是危险的 。

advice is harsh to the ear. 忠言逆耳 。

p all, lose all. 欲尽得,必尽失 。

t hopes make great men. 伟大的理想造就伟大的人物

some is he who does handsomely. 行为美者才真美。


大学毕业纪念册寄语 University graduation album message

毕业寄语:永远都别把事情想得太糟,乐观满点,危机警戒,望大家都能成功!Graduation message: never take things too bad, optimistic pictures, crisis warning, hope everyone can be successful!

毕业寄语:希望大家在一起的四年是人生中美好的回忆,等到年老时想起这四年的时光,脸上露出甜蜜的微笑。愿大家都能拥有一个精彩的人生,在整个人生道路上都能顺顺当当。 Graduation message: I hope you four years together in life is wonderful memories, wait until the old thinking of the four years, face smile a sweet smile. Wish all of you can have a wonderful life, in the life on the road can be smoothly.

毕业寄语:有人说:人人都可以成为自己幸运的建筑师。愿你们在前行的道路上,用自己的双手建造幸运的大厦。Graduation message: some people say: "everyone can be the architect of his own happiness." Wishes to you in the way, with their own hands to build the building lucky.

毕业寄语:不管未来有多长久,请记住成长的路上有你有我;不管经历多少个春夏秋冬,请铭记共度的青春年华。亲爱的朋友,愿你绽放最绚丽的笑容,给明天画出最美丽的梦。 School motto: no matter how long the future, please remember that the growth of the road there you have me; no matter how many seasons, please remember my youth. My dear friends, may you bloom the most beautiful smile tomorrow, to draw the most beautiful dream.

毕业寄语: Graduate from:

忽然之间,四年光阴就要这样流逝而过; Suddenly, four years would be passed by;

眨眼之间,我们都已将离开这里; The blink of an eye, and we all have to leave here;

辗转之间,我们都将各奔东西; After, we will each rush thing;

晃晃悠悠,摇摇摆摆,未来变得茫然; Wobbly, go swaying, the future becomes vacant;

谁曾说,大学是最张扬的青春; Who ever said, University is one of the most publicized youth;

谁曾说,大学是最绚烂的舞台; Who ever said, University is the most gorgeous stage;

谁曾说,大学是最难忘的回忆; Who ever said, University is the most unforgettable memories;

对于我们,大学就是那些美好的日子&& For us, the university is the happy days ... ...

毕业寄语:今日同窗分手,说一声:珍重! Graduation message: today we broke up, say: treasure!

明朝校友相逢,贺一句:成功! The alumni reunion, He Yi: success! 毕

业寄语:虽然提前离开了我的兄弟姐妹,但与大家的情谊将伴我一生! Graduation message: Although the left ahead of time on my brothers and sisters, but with our friendship will be with me all my life!

毕业寄语:感谢在大学里所有关心过我的人,我的大学生活能够如此充实,回首大学四年,我不遗憾也不后悔,因为我一直在坚定的走我自己的路!顺祝亲爱的老师们快乐幸福,可爱的同学们前程似锦! Graduated in the university motto: Thank you all care about my people, my university life can be so full, looking back at the university four years, I don't regret no regret, because I have been determined to go my own way! Best wishes to my dear teachers happy, lovely classmates have a bright future!

毕业寄语:大学四年即将成为过往,回想我们一起走过的日子,我想说:思念过去,珍惜现在,展望未来。大家一路走好! Graduation from University: four years will soon be past, recall the days we spent together, I want to say: remember the past, cherish the present, look to the future. All the way!

毕业寄语:大学是人生的一个里程碑,毕业意味着我们不得不选择另一条路继续前行。感谢一路上有你们的陪伴,祝福大家能找到自己的幸福!珍重! Graduation from University: life is a milepost, graduation means we have to choose another way to move on. Thank you for the way you, wish you can find your own happiness! Treasure!

毕业寄语:希望我们的明天会更好,大家都有一个幸福的未来,也希望我们的专业越办越好! Graduation message: we hope that tomorrow will be better, you all have a happy future, but also hope that our professional do better and better!

毕业寄语:毕业在即,新的征程也即将开始,愿每一位朋友都能够勇敢地面对未来的每一天! Upon graduation, graduation message: a new journey is coming, wish every friend can confront the future every one day!