

Abstract:Ecological infrastrueture (EI) is the crilical natural systems that provide nature's service to cities and their residents, which is composed of not only the traditionally recognized green systems, but also suburban forests, farm land and natural habitats that are connected as an integral infrastructure. Just like a civic infrastructure that is critical to the sustainable development of a city and a region,so is the ecological infrastructure to the sustainable environment of the region and the city. The construction of the El must be built across administrative boundaries and must be strategically allocated for the next centuries to come. Therefore, the planning and construction must be taken as long-term strategy at the regional and national scales. The speedy urbanization process, and the enormous landscape change projects such as the water diverting projects from the south to the north, offer great opportunities to the formation of the regional El. This paper proposes the planning and establishment of a regional ecological infrastructure along the Great Canal to support the sustainability of the east China, meanwhile provides opportunities for local and regional recreation, and protects a historical heritage corridor. Step-by-step approaches are also suggested for the planning and design of the Great Canal ecological infrastructure.
Key words:ecological infrastructure; great canal; ecological planning; south~north water divert

??1 关于区域生态基础设施实践与理论

??生态基础设施(Ecological Infrastructure,简称EI),本质上讲是城市所依赖的自然系统,是城市及其居民能持续地获得自然服务的基础(Natures Services),这些生态服务包括提供新鲜空气、食物、体育、休闲娱乐、安全庇护以及审美和教育等等。它不仅包括习惯的城市绿地系统的概念,而且更广泛地包含一切能提供上述自然服务的城市绿地系统、森林生态系统、农田系统及自然保护地系统。


??1.1 早期规划实践和理论中体现出来的生态基础设施建设思想

??早在100多年前(1879—1895),Olmsted和Eliot就将公园、林荫道与查尔斯河谷以及沼泽、荒地连系起来,规划了至今成为波斯顿骄傲的“蓝宝石项链”(Kmerald Necklace)。在 1883年,景观设计师克里夫兰得(Cleveland)为美国明尼苏达的明尼阿波利斯做规划,当时明尼阿波利斯还是一个小镇,克里夫兰得让市长和决策者在郊区购买大面积的土地,用以建立一个公园系统。在土地还远未被开发时,就非常廉价地买到了大块土地。这一行动是为50~ 100年之后的城市所规划的。如今100多年过去了,城市已经扩大了几倍,但这些廉价购得的土地却成为城市中宝贵的绿地系统。这样一个绿地系统的形成,不光是要一个好的概念,同时需要城市决策者提前50-100年进行投资。在同时代,当堪萨斯(Kansas)和克里夫兰 (Cleveland)都还是小镇时,就用便宜的地价在其郊外购置大量土地,结合区域的河流水系规划建设并一直保护了一个绿地系统。这一当时尚在郊区的绿地系统而今已成为城市的一个有机部分了,成为居民身心再生的场所。