

An Analysis on Clyde’s Tragic Fate in An American Tragedy



Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945) was one of the greatest naturalist in America. His representative work An American Tragedy is an excellent naturalistic e, the protagonist in An American Tragedy, is an extreme egoist and typical image of mammonist. The writer vividly represents this young man’s degeneration into a criminal by using naturalistic techniques. From this work, we know that the a common man couldn’t get normal development and the life would become meaningless in the capitalistic society based on the private ownership. The cruel story of the novel evokes people to fight against the unreasonable social institution.

Key Words: Clyde; the American Dream; tragedy; Theodore Dreiser
摘  要

西奥多•德莱塞(1871-1945)是美国1位伟大的自然主义作家。他的代表作《美国的悲剧》是1部优秀的现实主义小说。小说的主人公克莱德是1个极端的利己主义者和拜金主义者的典型形象。作者以现实主义的笔触生动地再现了这个涉世未深的青年堕落为杀人罪犯的道路。从这部作品我们看到了在以私有制为基础的资本主义社会里,人们的`才能得不到正常发展, 生命变得没有意义。小说所揭示的严酷事实使人震惊,催人觉醒,唤起人们同这个不合理的社会制度的抗争。

