

目  录
前言 1
1 概论 2
1.1 数据备份与恢复定义 2
1.2 数据备份的类型 2
1.3 数据备份的重要性 3
2 开发平台简介 4
2.1 Delphi简介 4
2.2 SQL语言介绍 4
3 需求分析 6
3.1 开发目的 6
3.2 系统背景 6
3.3 功能定义 6
3.4 系统目标 6
3.5 软件功能的结论 6
3.6 功能模块功能 7
4 总体设计 8
4.1 功能模块 8
4.2 数据库引擎选择 8
4.2.1 SQL Server数据库连接方法 8
4.2.2 Access数据库连接方法 9
4.2.3 ORACLE连接方法 9
4.2.4 数据库连接的实现 12
4.2.5 数据备份与恢复模块 13
4.3 各功能模块功能介绍 15
5 详细设计 16
5.1 设计原则 16
5.2 主模块设计 16
5.3 子模块设计 18
5.3.1 SQL-Server 数据备份与恢复 18
5.3.2 Oracle数据备份与恢复 28
5.3.3 Access数据备份与恢复设计 33
5.4 系统的封装 37
5.4.1 DLL文件的生成 37
5.4.2 调用DLL中封装的窗口 37
6 系统测试 38
6.1 系统测试概念 38
6.2 测试环境 38
6.3 数据备份与恢复系统测试 38
6.4 数据备份速度测试 38
总结 40
参考文献 41
致谢 42



使用 MICROSOFT公司的 SQL-Server作为数据库语言,使用 DELPHI作为开发工具,再分析各种数据库连接的区别,利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具, 使用ADO,DBExpress控件连接数据库,并在分析数据备份与恢复的各种原理的基础上开发出产品。它不但能够完成对多种数据库的数据及数据结构的备份与恢复等功能;而且具有程序设计合理、操作简单、运行可靠、保密性强等特点。


The Development of the Controls of the Data Backup with Restoration

Abstract : In the modern time of information technology, certain of distributional systems used many kinds of different database manage many kinds of databases have had certain diffialty. But the modes of these database backup are rather different with each other. Based on this situation, I developed a control of database backup with restoration which is able to contain many Kinds of database in control of the database backup with restoration is the technology of the data management, and the important constituent part of computer science. Its developing function mainly includes. Proceecl connection to data that with various different patterns and show the kins of construction of data by users’ inguiry operation. It chooses the different form to make the data in database to carry on the database in iducts derives, backup and restoration.
I use the SQL-Server of the MICROSOFT company as the database language and the Delphi as developing tool to analyse the differences of various databases connection, Then I using the various object-oriented development tools that it provides and the ADO, DBExpress controls to connect to connect the database, and on the basis of various principles of analycing the data backup with restoration to develop the products. not only it can complete the functions of the data of various database and data constituent backup and restoration,but also possesses the characteristics of programming reasonably, the operation simply, the movement reliably, the secrecy strongly and so on.
   The thesis included striving for the analysis, the system design, the detailed design and the software test, and introduced the whole process of thesis development of the data backup with restoration system systematically.

Keywords: ado; Connection databases; Database backup; Database restoration

备份过程应该满足系统要求的可恢复性。如果每天都能备份当然会很理想,但要考虑其现实性。只要仔细计划,并想办法达到数据库可用性的`底线,进行成功的备份与恢复也是可能的。数据库备份工具就是针对这种数据丢失的情况而开发设计的1种导出导入数据的工具。1般数据库都有自带的备份功能,像1些专业的数据库ORACLE、MS SQL、SYBASE这些专业的数据库都有备份的功能。但是信息社会的飞速发展使得对数据库备份这个领域提出了更高的要求。如今网络分布式数据库大行其道,1个分布式数据库可能会应用到好几个不同的数据库,而每个数据库的备份功能并不是都相同的,所以对开发1种能备份多种数据库的工具的需求是非常强烈的,在这种巨大需求下,许多多数据库的备份工具相继出现。现今国内比较好的数据库备份工具有:帝国备份王(Eback),万能数据库备份王,数据库备份精灵,SQL数据库备份与恢复系统。这些数据库备份工具的兼容性都很不错,参考以上几种数据库备份工具,使用DELPHI作为开发工具,SQL作为数据库语言,开发了1个能兼容多种数据库的数据库备份与恢复的控件,该控件操作简单,运行可靠,可移植性强,具有对SQL数据库,Access数据库,ORACLE数据库备份与恢复的功能。