
目  录


1引言 2
2 单参数指数分布的.参数估计和检验 2
2.1矩估计法 2
2.2 最小方差无偏估计  4
2.3 估计量的方差 4
2.4 极大似然估计 5
2.5 区间估计 6
2.6 最短区间估计 10
2.7 参数 的假设检验 13
2.8 截尾寿命检验 14
3 双参数指数分布的参数估计和检验 16
3.1 矩估计法 16
3.2 极大似然估计 16
3.3 区间估计 17
3.4 双参数指数分布的假设检验  19
4 结束语 22  
参考文献 22
致谢 23

Parameter estimayion and hypothesis testing for
exponential distribution

Abstract:In this paper,parameter estimayion and hypothesis testing are given for the parameter of the exponential distribution with one or two paper’s author will illustrate it scientifically ang makes camparison by means of illustrative calculation.
Key words:exponential distribution with single parameter;exponential distribution with single parameter; moment estimate;maximum likehood estimate;time terminated testing;failure terminated testing;interval estimation;hypothesis testing.

