



摘 要:在公有制为主体的社会主义经济中,资源配置方式市场化,所有制结构多元化,分配方式多样化,这1系列的`制度变迁是不是合理的?本文以价值论角度,从古典劳动价值论发展开始,对马克思劳动价值论以及马克思劳动价值论在今天所遇到的挑战做了深入的分析。而后,介绍效用价值论产生的历史根源及其发展,重点探讨效用价值论与古典劳动价值论尤其是马克思劳动价值论的异同,以阐明效用价值论或说边际要素理论是古典劳动价值的辨证扬弃。使我们深化对马克思劳动价值论的认识,在马克思主义哲学即辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义指导下,借鉴西方主流经济学的积极成果,尤其是借鉴它们对于市场经济运行机制及其规律性的理论分析,丰富、发展和创新马克思劳动价值论,为解决进1步完善社会主义经济过程中出现的1系列现实问题,提供较有说服力的理论依据。以价值论“非1元性”的合理性,说明中国引入市场机制改革的历史进步性及合理性。

The theory of effectiveness value is dialectical development of the theory of labor value
Abstract: The mode of resource dispostion becomes market-oriented,the pattern of owership diversifies,the mode of distribution diversifies in socialist economy in which public ownership is the main body. Whether the series of changes of system is just or not? From the angle of theory of value, beginning with the development of classical theory of labour value of Max and chanllenges that the theory meets today. Then, I’d like to introduce the historical source and development of the theory of effectiveness value, and place the enphasis on discussing the simitarities and differences between the theory of effectiveness value and the theory of the classical theory of labor value and especially between the theory of effectiveness value and the theory of labor value of Max so as to clarify that the theory of effectiveness value, namely the theory of margined factors, is themotification edition of the classical theory of labor value. After making above efforts, we can deeper our under standing of the theory of labor value of Max and draw on the experience of the acheivenent western predominant economics especially their theoretical analysis of operating system and its taw of market economy under the guidance of the Maxilism philosophy , namely, dialectical materiales and historical materialism. Enriching, developing and innovating the theory of labor value of Max, we should provide theoretical support and help to solve the series of realistic problem which government meets during the process of improving socialist economy. From the angle of the theory of value, I’d like to illustrate the justice and correctiveness of introducing the reform of system of market.
Keywords: Axiology  Labour theory of value   Efficacy axiology